Who's responsibility?

My goal is to write, and not just for me, but for others, who need to be educated about these rare diseases, because believe me, they are becoming more prevalent.  With more and more Failed Back Surgery Syndromes and the NUMBER ONE cause of Arachnoiditis is Epidural Steroid Injections into the spine. Epidurals are not FDA approved for injections into the spine. It is on the label that it can cause neurological injury (Arachnoiditis). Doctors (especially pain doctors know this) and should not be offering such injections.  You, as the patient have every right to refuse these injections.  I, only want to educate you. That is my goal, if I can prevent any one of you from getting this condition, then I have done my duty, I have accomplished my goal.  You do not want this.  I did not get Arachnoiditis from an Epidural, mine was from spinal trauma, but Epidurals are the number one cause and please think twice before getting one.  Here is the link to the FDA website. FDA warns of Epidurals

I had mentioned I wanted to not only write for me, but for others, if I can prevent any one of you from dealing with one of the most painful, incurable conditions out there, thats the two pieces of advice I can give-do not allow Epidurals into your spine/neck and only allow a Neurosurgeon to come near your spine. 

I went through many hospitalizations and imaging tests between 2014 and 2015, mostly driven by pain, loss of strength in my legs, bladder and bowel issues.  During this time is when I came to the realization how broken our medical system is.

I went to several spine specialists, one a close family friend, his words were "you had a relatively well done surgery".  I knew that was not true. He was an orthopedist.  I ended up at Mayo ER, they viewed my images, and stated "this is one of the worst surgeries we have ever seen done".   I went to a couple other spine centers, but the problem I was facing, not one Physician wanted to fix another's Physician's mistake.

After months of imaging, and a confirmed diagnosis of Arachnoiditis, months of ER visits and countless visits to specialists, I knew the medical bills were getting to a point that I would never be able to recover from. Recover?  Would I ever recover?  Physically? Financially?  Wait a second...is it my responsibility to pay for all this? 

So I retained an attorney.  Months and stacks of medical documentation, and consulting with a firm who had Doctors, it was determined the defense could use the fact I had a Congenital Abnomality and the lawsuit would not go in my favor.  I would be responsible for medical bills the rest of my life for a progressive incurable condition. 


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