
Showing posts from January, 2018

Lean on Me

I have very much appreciated everyone in my life.  Words that constantly ring in my ears are "call if you need anything".  Those are such precious words to me.  The song Lean on Me plays over and over in my head some days.  I often hear it and become tearful.  Why?  I will tell you why... When you become chronically ill, isolation just happens, you become more vulnerable for abuse, and depression, and you grieve.  Leaning on friends during this time is so important. But, where are they?  They go on with their lives, that's where they go. Most do not understand what it's like to be chronically ill.  If you try to educate them, lets say post about it on facebook, then you often get called out for "trying to get attention".  If you post about how you are feeling, you get called out for "complaining".  It's a lost battle.  People expect you to be able to do the same things you once could do.  There are very few people who und...


There have been many times that I have been called a hypochondriac.  Due to my incessant need to know what was wrong with me.  During the time period from approximately 2010-2016.  I struggled knowing the names of the multiple diagnosis I would come to have and during those times I was injured and  diagnosed with even more.  One of the problems with these diagnosis are the rarity of them.  Arachnoiditis is  recognized by the National Organization of Rare Disorders.  The link is as follows:  NORD-Arachnoiditis  is on the list of rare diseases. It started in 2010 when I began having "back pain", I started having treatments from my sister who is a Chiropractor.  When she felt it was beyond her scope of practice she sent me to the Core Institute to be evaluated by an Orthopedic Surgeon.  I had an MRI and xrays and was told they did not see anything "abnormal".  By this time it was 2011, I had been on pain medication for over...


January of 2017 I started to receive Botox injections into the pelvic floor muscles.  These would be done as a surgical procedure at St Joe’s hospital under general Anesthesia by Dr Michael Hibner.  These injections are meant to relax the pelvic muscles that are in a spasm.  The first go around I as extremely nervous. I was becoming more and more allergic to tapes and adhesives and it seemed they were using them on me each time I went to the hospital, just being careless.  When I arrived I told them immediately of my allergy, although it did not seem to help, I still ended up with tape and adhesive on my body that time.  The Botox took place, I went home the same day, I remember going over and signing the long list of side effects that could happen, but I was hoping none of those happened to me. Once again, we are dealing with mature issues, if you can’t handle reading them, stop now. I have had to handle every single thing that has happened to me without givin...


Throughout the past few years I have been blessed with some very helpful, compassionate, understanding friends.  I have also had to bear the hurt, rejection, and sometimes betrayal of those once closest to me.  About a year into my ordeal, I would come to understand just how chronic illness would impact friendships and become peaceful a year or so later with learning to be alone.  I was always a social person, the first to create an extravagant event at my home, invite 60-80 guests and make "special treats" homemade.  This, I could no longer do.  I had a history of being "fun", "life of the party", I used to enjoy the occasional bottle or two of wine, and the crazy events that arose from them.  Lots of memories had been made over the years within my group of friends.  My health no longer allowed me to be this person, the pain put a stop to the fun, no doubt.  One thing I could still do was give.  When I was invited places, I still offered to...

3rd Surgery Pre-testing

I waited November 2016 to June 2017 for Dr Kaibara to make his decision to do the 3rd surgery to correct the Bertolotti's syndrome for the 3rd time.  I had to stop working the Fall of 2016 as I was physically unable to get around any longer.  The driving had flared up the Pudendal Nerve again causing the Pelvic Floor Myalgia (Spasms).  My pain was through the roof. The L5 Vertebra had grown through the Sacrum/Ileum on the right side for the 3rd time.  It had been explained to me it was due to the bone graft used by the Orthopedic Surgeon that had Reabsorbed (disintegrated) and allowed it to happen again.  My visit to the Mayo Neurosurgeon, was just for a second opinion in November of 2016, but the imaging had showed some things that now needed to be addressed.  The pelvic xray showed Chondrosarcoma, how did this come up again?  I thought this had been ruled out?  It was always on the back of my mind.  In the same xray, I now had severe degene...

Some unwanted memories

To say I have struggled through some of this is an understatement.  I will share with you just a few of the memories that really stand out.  I have already shared "the night of terror" and how I was treated by a supervisor at work, nothing could compare to those.  As time went on, other situations I exposed myself too, started to make me aware that I was different.  After I was injured in the second surgery and had difficulty walking, I had been invited to a birthday party of some friends.  I always like to give special gifts so Phil and I went shopping all day to make sure the gifts were just that...special.  I made up a couple special baskets for my friends.  These were friends of many years.  This was one of the first experiences realizing shopping had become a great difficulty.  By the time I had got to the party, I was unable to walk, and my pain was at it's highest from shopping all day and using my legs. I was so excited to give my s...

Non-Pharmocological Interventions

Throughout my ordeal I have not only used medications to manage my pain, but many other non-pharmocological interventions as well starting from the very beginning. Working in Palliative Medicine, I had access to some great knowledge in regards to the tools used in pain management.  I knew medications like the back of my hand, but I also knew other tools to help distract the mind when it came to acute and chronic pain.  I have tried most of these "tools", and I often get slightly frustrated when someone says "have you tried"... or comes to me with their latest and greatest "cure".  First of all, their is no "cure", second of all I have spent hours upon hours tending to my pain, and researching options that were the best for me and my condition.  I have reasons I can and can not try certain things.  Physical Therapy has never been an option, as movement required of my legs or being on my legs only causes inflammation in the lumbar spine thus making...

Time has come

As the months pass and I await a call from Barrows, the pelvic pain has returned and I am seeing Dr Hibner.  The Arachnoiditis is in my Lumbar and Sacral nerve roots.  Well, guess where the Pudendal Nerve is?  It sits at S2 in the Sacrum, so now those are all adhered together, one possibility why the pudendal neuralgia has returned.  Pelvic Floor Spasms are difficult to describe.  I feel a pulling in my hips when I stand, so it makes standing difficult, my sits bones (butt bones) are painful, so it makes sitting difficult, and the SI joints are extremely painful, so it makes walking difficult.  I am comfortable in a reclining position and laying down, I sit on ice packs throughout the day.  January of 2017 was my first Botox injection into the pelvic floor, then 8 weeks of pelvic floor therapy twice a week resumed.  May was my second round of Botox and October was the 3rd round.  I got a call in June 2017, to come in and meet with Dr Kaibar...

Deja Vu

So, I was back to work in the Fall of 2015, I hung in there until 2016.  I am not going to say it was easy.  I was still working 2-3 jobs.  Hospice, Wickenburg Hospital, and Gold Canyon.  I saw myself struggling, I was getting behind.  As time went on, I struggled with getting my documentation in on time, because I was so fatigued when I got home, I was going to bed by 7:00pm.  I saw myself struggling juggling those 3 jobs. Prioritizing my life.  I was having a hard time physically, getting slower, the pain was increasing.  I almost feel Deja Vu symptoms again I tell my husband.  He thinks I am crazy. During one of my ER visits for pelvic pain, the CT Scan showed 'pseudoarticulation of L5", I didnt think much of it, as this is what Bertolottis Syndrome is and remember, I have had 2 surgeries to fix this previously.  But, as the pain increased, I had another ER visit, and another CT revealed the L5 vertebrae had grown through the sacrum...

Stim Jim

As the months went on and the hospitalizations and ER visits became more frequent I knew I had to do something.  It was taxing on not only me, but my husband.  It was routine imaging, IV steroids to bring down the inflammation and pain control.  By this time, I was in touch with Dr Taro Kaibara at Barrows and felt comfortable with his expertise.  I had my pain management Doctor who I trusted.  By this time, I had probably had 20 different imaging scans ranging from CT, MRI's, bone scans, and xrays.  I had the answer, it just wasn't the answer I wanted and there wasn't a cure.  So, I had to move on to the next step... a plan.  I was experiencing severe fatigue driving Phil to work after his seizure.  This was a 3 month ordeal. I was driving from Surprise to Phoenix to Wickenburg and back.  Driving was flaring up the Pudendal Nerve causing spasms in my pelvic floor again.  I made an appointment with Dr Hibner.  I had been sympt...

Who's responsibility?

My goal is to write, and not just for me, but for others, who need to be educated about these rare diseases, because believe me, they are becoming more prevalent.  With more and more Failed Back Surgery Syndromes and the NUMBER ONE cause of Arachnoiditis is Epidural Steroid Injections into the spine. Epidurals are not FDA approved for injections into the spine. It is on the label that it can cause neurological injury (Arachnoiditis). Doctors (especially pain doctors know this) and should not be offering such injections.  You, as the patient have every right to refuse these injections.  I, only want to educate you. That is my goal, if I can prevent any one of you from getting this condition, then I have done my duty, I have accomplished my goal.  You do not want this.  I did not get Arachnoiditis from an Epidural, mine was from spinal trauma, but Epidurals are the number one cause and please think twice before getting one.  Here is the link to the FDA websit...

Intro to Barrows

The end of 2014 is coming around. I have had a couple MRI’s that were conclusive diagnosis for Arachnoiditis.  I was now in pain management for this condition and treatment for Pudendal Neuralgia.  A Social Work Colleague of mine has spent years working with a Physiatrist at a Rehabiliation Center and kept in contact with him.  She contacted him and he was willing to see me as a patient.  This was a blessing, the beginning of a BIG blessing. Dr Raj Singh is a Physiatrist with Barrows Neurological Institute. He deals with neurological injuries. He saw me immediately in the Scottsdale location, Saturday appointments so Phil could go with me and drive me.   He immediately began ordering specialized imaging tests, as he believed and knew something was not right with the surgery that had been done.  He ordered a 3D CT Scan, a Nuclear Bone Scan.   He suspected possible Osteomyelitis (bone infection), but my blood work did not indicate as such.   The ima...

Pain Management

I had to make a choice to enter pain management, this I am not shy about, and happy to answer any questions anyone has.  Sure, there is currently an "opiod crisis" please realize this is when they are used improperly, misused with other medication, at high doses, purchased illicitly, and mixed with alcohol.  The pain Doctor I chose has been a Godsend.  He instantly tried to get a handle on my symptoms. I have been through a lot of medications, some were helpful, some not,  Some caused unwanted side effects, and some I chose not to put into my body.  In 2014 we began discussing the option of a Spinal Cord Stimulator, made by a few different companies, it would be my responsibility to research the different options.  I believe I even took some material on one of the first visits which included a DVD.  A Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) is not a Drug Pump.  It is a Neurostimulator, it blocks pain signals to the brain.  I also had a choice of the dru...

Pudendal What?

A visit to my Primary Care Physician in early 2014 was the start to my healing process.  Dr Patrick Roscetti has been my PCP for 10 years.  First with Cigna and now with Honor Health.  He has been with me through this whole ordeal and has been the facilitator in much of my healing.  He did his Residency at St Joes so happened to know the famous Dr Michael Hibner who treats Advanced Pelvic Pain. During one of my primary care visits Dr Roscetti said to me I believe you suffered "Cauda Equina Syndrome and it may have damaged your Pudendal Nerve".  He was right on!  It sure as hell did.   And I thank God for him and his expertise every single day.  Without that knowledge I would not have had some of the treatments and symptom relief I have had thus far from Dr Michael Hibner at St Joes.    I saw Dr Hibner early Spring of 2014.  He ordered Pelvic Floor Therapy and the use of a topical cream for the nerve immediately.  I won't g...

Cancer Treatment Center Continued

CTCA was the best of the best!  My consult at St Joes was not so thorough.  I filled out a questionnaire. the Dr called me back quickly, before I was done filling out the papers, he said to just leave them.  He had me in the room for less than 5 minutes, looked at the CT scan and determined I did not have Chondrosarcoma.    I met again with the GI Dr at Cancer Treatment Center and was scheduled for the Colonoscopy because the over the counter treatments did not work.  He was confident with the Neurosurgeons determination.  I felt uneasy.  After my procedure, he said all 6 parts of my colon were blocked. Gave me some suggestions for daily regime for the rest of my life.  He was so kind, compassionate, helpful, and I fell into his hands for a reason.  It was all a true blessing.   Now, I will always have  Chondrosarcoma on my mind.  When someone says you have cancer in your body, it doesn't just go away very easily....

The start of it to the ER

Disclaimer-Some of these writings may become graphic and discuss mature issues, if you can not handle those issues, stop reading now. Upon placing the allograft (cadaver bone), I started to notice skin sensitivities and rashes that I had never had before.  Upon using a sanitary pad, my skin in that area then burned and blistered and was very painful.  I was also still experiencing the pelvic pain that I had been telling the Dr about for months that was getting more severe, and now felt like I was sitting on a tennis ball.  So off to the ER I went.  January 2014 They immediately did a pelvic exam and a CT of the pelvis. I lost my dignity this day, and this was only the beginning of a very long road of what I would never get back.   I was embarrassed, I had burns and blisters in my "private area" with a male physician that couldnt have been more than 25 years old looking at me. The adhesive from the sanitary pad had burned me.  But why?  I had n...

Getting Home

Getting home from the hospital was a relief, I was heartbroken, they did not care for me there.  I knew something was wrong with my body and it would never be the same.  Still unable to walk well, both legs losing strength, something just wasn't right.  Home physical therapy and occupational therapy had been ordered for 8 weeks.  Phil was healing from surgery and using a walker. Since we had a 2 story house, we were stuck in 2 recliners downstairs for a couple months.  So side by side we sat.  Family to take care of us, meals delivered by friends for a couple weeks.  We were on a "Breaking Bad" marathon from sundown to sunup.  We were the best of friends.  I knew nothing of my condition at this time, only that my legs were not strong and my pain was not subsiding.  I would go to the surgeon monthly for xrays and he would tell me how everything was healing great. I would tell him of my severe pain, and he would tell me I was "just healing...

Looking Back at the Terror

Looking back to that very day of surgery is troubling to me for many reasons.  I want to go back and change every single thing that was done, starting with not using an orthopedic surgeon on my spine.  That was the biggest mistake, and I am not afraid to speak my opinion on that matter.  My condition was a very rare condition which needed a neurosurgeon. People will ask me why I did not use a neurosurgeon. Well, remember, this particular Orthopedic Surgeon had helped me once before, when nobody else knew what Bertolotti's Syndrome was. In my mind he was my "Hero".  He hadn't done that previous surgery in 30 years and had fixed me in 2011. I had no reason at that time to not trust his hands.  He also was helping my husband, who was having a  "standard procedure".  My husband and I remember asking this particular Dr "do we need to consult with a neurosurgeon"  his response was "why would we need a neurosurgeon".  As if he was God.  I will ...