Another week passes byug

I received my maintenance Ketamine infusion a week ago. Very Grateful to my neighbor, MaryKaye who took the time out of her life to once again, take me, and sit with me, until I was done & back to reality.  This infusion did not seem to help me so much as the ones prior.   The previous ones spiked my interest right away about arts/crafts.  This one did not see to make a Big difference.  I found myself cancelling all appointments the following week, some even medically  necessary. I stayed in the same clothes for several days and my resonance hygiene suffered greatly. I tried to find an outlet for this mood, so I became more
Involved in coloring. Joining an online “club” called “”.  I tried hard to use this, as I realize how therapeutic art can be.   Isolaxtion has truly set in, people have gone on with their lives, and that’s ok, it’s completely unxderstandable.   Friends have gone back to work, moved away,gotten, busy, or just assumed I was getting better.  Truth being, I am isolated as ever, in a very dark place emotionally and need all the help and support I can get from friends, family, and my Health Providers.   I seek opportunities to help myself, and appreciate those that stand by my side.  


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