What not to do to me!

Here is a post of one of my Pet Peeves, something I prefer others do not do to me or anyone with a Chronic Illness for that matter.  It is not only rude, but completely indicative of "you do not understand one bit of what I go through" or you would not do it.   I have friends that say "I will call/visit you on such and such day"  I arrange my schedule, look forward too, shower (with all the energy I have),  and get ready for their call/visit.  I wait, I wait a little longer, I fight back the urge to nap, my body gets very tired, but I tell myself I have to stay awake because "so and so" is visiting today.  I throw off my routine/schedule for someone that never calls or shows up.  Never has the decency to even text to say they aren't coming.  Do not do this to me (or anyone that is chronically ill).  It is beyond rude, it throws off my routine.  I could have napped, and not fought my body on the horrible fatigue I felt waiting for your call or for you to arrive.  Do not say "I will call and check on you tomorrow" and then not do it.  People who have a chronic illness begin to become very isolated and when someone says they are calling to check in, it means a lot to us. Do not follow those that have let us down, keep your word (unless you are following that path too).  One thing I can not stand is being let down.  I have had enough of that.  Several years of it.  I have come to the point in my illness that I need to protect myself from it.  I have learned to put up firm boundaries and I continue to do so.  If I tell you I am going to do something, I keep my word, even though I do not feel well enough 90 percent of the time, so do not do it to me.  I do not care what your excuse is.  Busy isn't an excuse, I have been there, worked 3 jobs, a very demanding one if that, and still never let anyone down. I am done excepting this behavior from people that claim to be doing something "nice" for me.  It is not nice, not one bit. Its actually the exact opposite.  Its hurtful and makes one feeling much more isolated. 


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