Daily routines

I guess when you don't feel so well, you just don't feel like doing much.  That pretty much sums up my day.  I just don"t even move, because when I do, it produces pain. So I find sitting in the recliner, motionless is often the way to be.  I am trying to find activities to keep my brain active because I know this is no way to live day in/out.  I have got to find things to do from a reclining/sitting position.  I have gone over the fact that many friends have drifted, which I have come to terms with.  There are some friends that have not, and they are incredibly loyal, checking in daily. Sometimes hourly conversations.  I would say on an average week I have a visitor which sure breaks up the monotony of the day.  For the most part, I do not leave the house accept on the days I have an appointment.  Phil usually takes the car which is just fine by me.  I often relax, in comfies, I struggle to bathe, but I get it done..eventually.  Bathing is the most painful part of the day.  Its the most movement of the pelvis.  It causes a "pain crisis" but actively working on a plan with my Dr.  I can no longer shower because I can not stand long enough without spasming. 
My day is something like this...  I always get out of bed when Phil gets up 6:30am and come downstairs.  I refuse to stay in bed as its bad for the psyche.  I have my coffee he generously makes special for me before he heads off to work.  I turn on Dr Phil (not for me, for Rusty).  I read my daily devotional, which keeps me focused and always hits so close to home.  I run through Social Media and yesterdays mail.  I pick up the phone call from my husband who always calls before he arrives at work.  I love hearing his voice once again. 
I sort through my plans for the day and pray I don't have to go anywhere  lol   Its  torture for me to have to leave the house because of having to get ready.  Its so much physical work, it throws me into pain, and there's truly usually not a day I do not cry during the process.  Some days, if I have to be honest, I cancel my obligations.  It depends on how I feel.  I believe I have friends who understand by now and if they don't, they need to educate themselves a lot more about my illnesses. If it's an appointment, sometimes I come up with an excuse.  Mondays are Methotrexate day, so I do not make plans on this day, this day I stay at home as it has some unwanted side effects and can make me feel a bit Malaise and fatigued.  I typically do find something easy for Breakfast, yogurt, protein drink.  I start on any pertinent phone calls, which always includes my friends that I need to check in on.  I have a horrible time completing tasks,  I have a great deal of fatigue, physically and mentally.  So some days I cant do much.  TV, movies,  magazines and nap.  Other days, I may get a couple calls in.  Housework is out of the question, although I can "pick up" so on commercial breaks, that is what I do. At some point in the day, I talk myself into that bath. I am trying to find more activities to engage myself, introducing art.  I started an art journal, watercolor, and some painting projects.  I am expanding some of the creativity I have, but have not ever explored.  I like to read, although my attention span is short due to fatigue. I have plenty of books and need to pick them up. I have been ordering and trying to complete the 3D Diamond Paintings.   I am recently into podcasts and playing games on my phone.  Its time to get the backyard looking nice with some small gardening projects.  I am trying to keep my mind busy while my body rests.  I would say the day goes pretty quickly and Phil is home before I know it.  We have good meals we get delivered from Freshly.com, and watch some shows together.  I, unfortunately have to head upstairs at an early hour to lay down to be comfortable, but he is such a support he comes right along with me to watch our shows.  We have a good partnership in all this.  I know this is what life looks like for me, weekends are slightly different because Phil is around to push me out and about in the Wheelchair.  My Dr just submitted the paperwork to insurance for an electric scooter, this will offer me some more independence and Phil too.  My life is not going back to how it was 4 years ago, I have come to accept this, I am learning to make a new life for myself.  Accept and develop a new me.  Its scary, but a little exciting all at the same time, as there is this side of me I never had time for before.  I hope to be well enough again one day, by the Grace of God and the help of new medical interventions to return to work, but for now, I accept what is. 


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